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St Laurence Church Of England School

Courage - Respect - Curiosity

Thame Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 7DX


Sports Funding

At St Laurence we aim to provide children with high quality PE lessons and a wide range of opportunities to compete in competitive school sports. We also promote healthy active lifestyles through the enjoyment of PE. Through engaging and exciting lessons they will develop the determination to excel in a broad range of PE activities. Children will also be given the opportunity, through engaging in competitive activities, to develop skills, such as teamwork, independent learning and resilience, which they can transfer into other areas of their learning.

In recent years we have been working closely with the sports coaching company, Elite Youth Sports. Working with them has helped us to expand the variety of sports activities on offer, promoting inclusivity and increasing the overall quality of our lessons. They have assisted us with our extra-curricular lunchtime and after school clubs, allowing us to enhance our curriculum. 


Sports Premium Funding

At St Laurence School we welcomed the Government’s announcement to provide ring fenced funding to primary schools. This sport premium funding is aimed at helping schools to improve provision of physical education, competitive school sport and healthy active lifestyles. At St Laurence we are committed to using this resource to develop staff knowledge and confidence to deliver high quality, engaging PE lessons and provide a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs for children.

In the academic year 2019 - 2020 we continued to employ Elite Sports to deliver high quality PE lessons to all year groups. The coaches offered a range of extra clubs in addition to PE lessons, which gave the children the opportunity to participate in different sports. We had a visit from Kidz Fit in January 2019, where each year group took part in a workshop aimed at developing their understanding of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. As well as learning about nutrition, muscle development and the impact of exercise on the organs of the body, the children participated in a range of fun and physical activities. We are presently reviewing our equipment to ensure we have a wide range of equipment suitable for the different sports that are delivered and have purchased new football goalposts and basketball posts. One of our staff members achieved Level 3 Forest School Training in July 2018, which now benefits the children in outdoor learning by attending Forest Schools.

In the academic year 2017 - 2018 we continued to use the ‘sport premium’ money to employ specialist PE coaches from Elite Sports. The coaches worked throughout the year with the children from Robins, Owls, Bluebirds & Eagles on different areas of the PE curriculum. This, we felt, is a way in which we can sustain high quality PE lessons. Elite Sports provided a variety of extra -curricular sports clubs on Thursdays and Fridays which changed each half term. This ensured that all children in KS1 and KS2 were given the opportunity to try a variety of sports at a competitive level. We had a visit from Helen Glover the GB Rower. Helen gave a very inspirational talk to the whole school which inspired so many of the children.


Sports Premium Report 2023 - 2024

Sports Premium Report 2022 - 2023

Sports Premium Report 2021 - 2022

Sports Premium 2020 - 2021

Sports Premium 2019 - 2020


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