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St Laurence Church Of England School

Courage - Respect - Curiosity

Thame Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 7DX




Policies are used to assist in the management and day to day running of the school and help to determine the standards and procedures by which the school operates.

The documents are the responsibility of the governing body who review and update them on a regular basis.

In accordance with statutory guidance from the Department of Education, the following school polices are available on this website.

Paper copies can be requested from the School Office.


Accessibility Plan 2023

Adult Volunteers Policy January 2020

After Schools Activities Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy 2023

Breakfast Club Policy

Behaviour Policy March 2024

Calculations Policy November 2019

Collective Worship Policy May 2019

Complaints Policy September 2021

Computing Policy

Communications Policy April 2021

Confidentiality Policy

Curriculum Policy

Charging Policy July 2022

English Policy November 2021

Equality Policy September 2020

Equality Objectives 2023 - 2027

E-Safety March 2023

Homework Policy

Inclusion Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Marking Policy March 2023

Maths Policy July 2024

Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints POLICY March 2021

Modern Foreign Languages November 2021

Online Safety March 2024

Parental Use of Social Networking & Internet Sites Policy January 2020

PSHE / RSE Policy March 2024

PE Policy - under review

Public Sector Equality Duty 2022

RE Policy March 2019

Remote Learning Policy November 2020 (Updated January 2021)

SEND Policy March 2023

ODST Safeguarding Policy September 2023

ODST Safer Recruitment October 2022

School Visitors Policy January 2020

ODST Whistleblowing Policy September 2023

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